Category Archives: Tradition

Cancelling the Left

Like the old Soviet Bloc countries, America is plagued by leftists driven to punish citizens for dissenting from their doctrines. The advent of social media, however, has given them a more interesting set of means. There’s no need for a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Politics, Tradition | 1 Comment

Facing Wokeism as a Church  (After Lutheranism Part 4)

As I wrote when I started this “After Lutheranism” series, one of the greatest threats to American church bodies is our ongoing failure to adequately oppose the progressive social justice agenda or “wokeism.” Indeed, the recent events surrounding our now … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Theological Pietism, Theology, Tradition, Vocation | 7 Comments

Loving God’s Law After Lutheranism

Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Heresy, Law, Lutheranism, Sanctification, The Modern Church, Theological Pietism, Theology, Tradition | 9 Comments

After Lutheranism – Part 1

How does Lutheranism end for us? It’s taken a great deal to get me, a lifelong member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, to ask myself such an ominous question. But then, these past few years have thrown an awful … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Family, Lutheranism, Musings, The Modern Church, Tradition, Vocation | 16 Comments

They Will Know Us By Our Love (and Hate Us For It)

It’s always struck me as odd that many Christians will stake their eternal souls on Jesus’ promise of forgiveness while simultaneously doubting his promise that the world would hate us on his account. In many and various ways, we expect … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | 1 Comment

Contending Against Critical Theory

In Part One, we covered what Critical Theory is. In Part Two, we covered why the danger it poses is primarily spiritual rather than merely political or cultural. If you haven’t read those posts, read them before you go any … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Heresy, Humanism, Law, Lutheranism, Musings, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Tradition, Vocation | 5 Comments

Critical Theory is Spiritual Poison

Note: If you haven’t yet read Part 1 in this series, “Know Your Enemy: What is Critical Theory?” please do so first. Many Christian conservatives might be tempted to agree with my assessment of Critical Theory, but also relegate it … Continue reading

Posted in Heresy, Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition, Two Kingdoms | 1 Comment

The Last Confession?

As a child, I never really “got” the Nicene Creed. It was basically just the Apostles Creed, but it took a million hundred hours longer to recite on Communion Sundays. And the second article was particularly egregious. How many different … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Musings, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | 3 Comments

The War on Thanksgiving

On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Family, Musings, Tradition | 1 Comment

Spotting False Teachers 101

If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Musings, Sanctification, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | Leave a comment