Category Archives: Vocation

Whether Voters, Too, Can Be Saved

Ever since the Fall, the evil impulses of man’s heart have needed to be restrained, lest wickedness proliferate among us. In His mercy, God sent Jesus Christ to die on our behalf, providing whoever believes in Him with the eternal … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Family, Law, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Pietism, Two Kingdoms, Vocation | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Facing Wokeism as a Church  (After Lutheranism Part 4)

As I wrote when I started this “After Lutheranism” series, one of the greatest threats to American church bodies is our ongoing failure to adequately oppose the progressive social justice agenda or “wokeism.” Indeed, the recent events surrounding our now … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Theological Pietism, Theology, Tradition, Vocation | 7 Comments

After Lutheranism – Part 1

How does Lutheranism end for us? It’s taken a great deal to get me, a lifelong member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, to ask myself such an ominous question. But then, these past few years have thrown an awful … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Family, Lutheranism, Musings, The Modern Church, Tradition, Vocation | 16 Comments

Scouring America’s Shire

An often overlooked sequence in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is the ‘Scouring of the Shire.’ After the Ring is destroyed, Sauron is defeated, Aragorn claims his throne, and all the more epic plot points have been resolved, the hobbits … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Musings, Politics, Vocation | 6 Comments

Contending Against Critical Theory

In Part One, we covered what Critical Theory is. In Part Two, we covered why the danger it poses is primarily spiritual rather than merely political or cultural. If you haven’t read those posts, read them before you go any … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Heresy, Humanism, Law, Lutheranism, Musings, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Tradition, Vocation | 5 Comments

Who Told You to be Offended?

Back in the day, I spent about seven years living in one of America’s most comically liberal cities. It wasn’t Portland, but it was very much like Portland. It even had the same slogans about keeping the city weird and citizens … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Feminism, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church, Vocation | 10 Comments

On Lutheran Women and the Writing of Books

A Lesson from History In the mid-20th century, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod had a problem that came to be called “Gospel Reductionism.” Modernism had long been waging a fearsome war against Christianity. The academic style from the Enlightenment onward had … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Lutheranism, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Theology, Tradition, Vocation | 6 Comments

Christian Women and the Abandonment of Vocation

Women studying at seminary… Women writing books of theological instruction… Women leading the liturgy and administering the Sacraments…  Feminism’s self-insertion into the pastoral office has not yet slackened if these ongoing debates in ‘conservative’ churches are any indication. Clearly, we … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Feminism, Law, The Modern Church, Vocation | 3 Comments

A Biblical Case Against Polygamy

It shouldn’t be surprising that civilization hinges on getting sexuality right–or at least right “enough” in a fallen world. Investing our own flesh and blood in the next generation is perhaps the most literal understanding of “having skin in the … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Musings, Vocation | 4 Comments

What We Have In Common

As diversity continues its work of assassinating American common ground, it’s no surprise that American churches are struggling with the issue of race & nation as it pertains to their faith. Christianity is, of course, a universal religion rather than … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Lutheranism, Politics, Two Kingdoms, Vocation | 4 Comments