Category Archives: Tradition

On Lutheran Women and the Writing of Books

A Lesson from History In the mid-20th century, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod had a problem that came to be called “Gospel Reductionism.” Modernism had long been waging a fearsome war against Christianity. The academic style from the Enlightenment onward had … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Lutheranism, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Theology, Tradition, Vocation | 6 Comments

Dancing Around Patriarchy

Sheila Greqoire tweeted an interesting “gotcha” against complementarians recently: The argument that complementarianism is merely about different gender roles is false. If it were about roles, there would be things men can’t do & things women can’t do. But there … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Feminism, Tradition | 3 Comments

Loving the Liars

Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence; reprove a man of understanding, and he will gain knowledge. –Proverbs 19:25   In a predictably duplicitous move, the Biden administration reacted to news of a recession by redefining “recession.” It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Tradition | 6 Comments

Is There Marriage in Heaven?

Is there marriage in heaven? It seems that most Christians will tell you “no” based on Jesus words in Matthew 22:23-33 and it’s parallel account in Luke 20:27-40. I’ll copy both here for the sake of convenience. According to Matthew: … Continue reading

Posted in Musings, Theology, Tradition | 13 Comments

When Service Becomes Vainglory

As a sin becomes more ubiquitous in a culture, its appropriate name seems to become more elusive in language.  “Fornication,” for example, is an everyday sin, but not a word you hear every day in the West. “Usury” is likewise … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Lutheranism, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | Leave a comment

The Flotsam and Jetsam of Rights

Like equality, the West developed our concept of rights as a means of safeguarding people from their government and from one another. Rights are held in particularly high regard in America, where each and every individual’s rights to “life, liberty, … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Family, Natural Law, Politics, Tradition | 9 Comments

The Practical Apocalypse

The problem with the way Revelation is often taught is that it makes the book mostly irrelevant to 99% of Christians throughout history. The illusion is that if you’re not alive during some specific time it describes, its an unnecessary … Continue reading

Posted in Musings, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | 3 Comments

The Triumph of Family

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to teach Genesis to the middle-schoolers at my church this year, and one of the things that’s struck me about the first few chapters is the centrality of family to God’s design. The fact … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Family, Tradition, Vocation | 2 Comments

A Lutheran Case for Religious Exemption

Religious exemptions aren’t the long-term solution to the tyrannical vaccine mandates, but for some families, they may be what keeps a roof overhead and food on the table in the short-term. I’ve been frustrated that the LCMS has thus far … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Law, Lutheranism, Politics, Theology, Tradition | 22 Comments

By Whose Authority? Mask Mandates in the Church

Now that Covid is resurging and our cultural fixtures continue to promote fear above all else, Christian congregations are naturally considering whether to re-impose masks and even vaccine requirements at their services. Last year, most churches blindly stumbled their way … Continue reading

Posted in Gospel, Law, Lutheranism, Theology, Tradition | 6 Comments