Category Archives: Politics

Cancelling the Left

Like the old Soviet Bloc countries, America is plagued by leftists driven to punish citizens for dissenting from their doctrines. The advent of social media, however, has given them a more interesting set of means. There’s no need for a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Politics, Tradition | 1 Comment

Whether Voters, Too, Can Be Saved

Ever since the Fall, the evil impulses of man’s heart have needed to be restrained, lest wickedness proliferate among us. In His mercy, God sent Jesus Christ to die on our behalf, providing whoever believes in Him with the eternal … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Family, Law, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Pietism, Two Kingdoms, Vocation | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Do Conservatives Need to Work With the Other Side?

Does the right need to work with liberals to accomplish its goals? I’ve heard this contention repeatedly from moderates and conservatives who still find some form of national divorce unthinkable. Usually, it’s intended to explain why they can’t support Donald … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Politics | 3 Comments

What is the Postwar Consensus?

If you’ve ever borne witness to argument’s between Christian Nationalists and their opponents on the right, you’ve probably come across disparaging references to “the postwar consensus” from time to time. But what does it really mean? Put simply, it’s a … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church | Leave a comment

Facing Wokeism as a Church  (After Lutheranism Part 4)

As I wrote when I started this “After Lutheranism” series, one of the greatest threats to American church bodies is our ongoing failure to adequately oppose the progressive social justice agenda or “wokeism.” Indeed, the recent events surrounding our now … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Theological Pietism, Theology, Tradition, Vocation | 7 Comments

Scouring America’s Shire

An often overlooked sequence in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is the ‘Scouring of the Shire.’ After the Ring is destroyed, Sauron is defeated, Aragorn claims his throne, and all the more epic plot points have been resolved, the hobbits … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Musings, Politics, Vocation | 6 Comments

Contending Against Critical Theory

In Part One, we covered what Critical Theory is. In Part Two, we covered why the danger it poses is primarily spiritual rather than merely political or cultural. If you haven’t read those posts, read them before you go any … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Heresy, Humanism, Law, Lutheranism, Musings, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Tradition, Vocation | 5 Comments

Critical Theory is Spiritual Poison

Note: If you haven’t yet read Part 1 in this series, “Know Your Enemy: What is Critical Theory?” please do so first. Many Christian conservatives might be tempted to agree with my assessment of Critical Theory, but also relegate it … Continue reading

Posted in Heresy, Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition, Two Kingdoms | 1 Comment

Know Your Enemy: What is Critical Theory?

I’ve been writing a lot about the tragedy unfolding in the LCMS lately: the false teachings included with Luther’s Large Catechism along with President Harrison’s response of blaming criticism on the “alt-right” all of whom he has declared worthy of excommunication. Since … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Lutheranism, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church | 2 Comments

Excommunicating the Alt-Right

In an age of squishiness from most church leaders, many rank-and-file Christians are eager for the day when their leaders take a clear an unequivocal stand on God’s Word. Nothing is more disappointing than when that day comes and the … Continue reading

Posted in Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theology | 22 Comments