Category Archives: Culture

Cancelling the Left

Like the old Soviet Bloc countries, America is plagued by leftists driven to punish citizens for dissenting from their doctrines. The advent of social media, however, has given them a more interesting set of means. There’s no need for a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Politics, Tradition | 1 Comment

Singleness in the Church

By now, we should all be aware that Western marriage and fertility rates are an unmitigated disaster. These circumstances raise a lot of questions. Among them is how Christians ought to talk about singleness in and out of the Church. … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Christian Youth, Culture, Family, Lutheranism | Tagged | 8 Comments

What is the Postwar Consensus?

If you’ve ever borne witness to argument’s between Christian Nationalists and their opponents on the right, you’ve probably come across disparaging references to “the postwar consensus” from time to time. But what does it really mean? Put simply, it’s a … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church | Leave a comment

Forming Christian Families – After Lutheranism Part 2

Any discussion of a future for Lutherans after Lutheran denominations pass away must begin with God’s first instructions to humanity: Be fruitful and multiply. Practically speaking, our rejection of God’s command in Genesis 1 is the most significant proximate cause of … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Christian Youth, Culture, Family, Lutheranism, The Modern Church | 9 Comments

After Lutheranism – Part 1

How does Lutheranism end for us? It’s taken a great deal to get me, a lifelong member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, to ask myself such an ominous question. But then, these past few years have thrown an awful … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Family, Lutheranism, Musings, The Modern Church, Tradition, Vocation | 16 Comments

Contending Against Critical Theory

In Part One, we covered what Critical Theory is. In Part Two, we covered why the danger it poses is primarily spiritual rather than merely political or cultural. If you haven’t read those posts, read them before you go any … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Heresy, Humanism, Law, Lutheranism, Musings, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism, Tradition, Vocation | 5 Comments

Them’s Fightin’ Words

Say what you will about the brutality of dueling, at least it was a mechanism which reminded men that their words have value–that they can be worth fighting over. As we sit and lament cancel culture, it may be tempting … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Musings, The Modern Church | 3 Comments

Silencing God

Arguments from silence are generally recognized as being weak, proceeding as they do from a lack of evidence rather than an abundance. But the most pathetic form of this argument–the weakling among weaklings–is when you actually have to create the … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Law, Lutheranism, The Modern Church, Theology | 7 Comments

The War on Thanksgiving

On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Family, Musings, Tradition | 1 Comment

A Biblical Case Against Polygamy

It shouldn’t be surprising that civilization hinges on getting sexuality right–or at least right “enough” in a fallen world. Investing our own flesh and blood in the next generation is perhaps the most literal understanding of “having skin in the … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Musings, Vocation | 4 Comments