Monthly Archives: July 2022

Loving the Liars

Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence; reprove a man of understanding, and he will gain knowledge. –Proverbs 19:25   In a predictably duplicitous move, the Biden administration reacted to news of a recession by redefining “recession.” It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Tradition | 6 Comments

The Lutheran Tone Police

One of the most common ways of dismissing substantive criticism is to complain about its “tone.” If only it were said less antagonistically, more lovingly, more sensitively, etc., thenĀ it might be possible for them to listen thoughtfully. But it was … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Lutheranism, Theology | 2 Comments

“David Raped” is a Camel’s Nose

What was David’s great sin with Uriah and Bathsheba? The Bible and the Church say murder and adultery. Radical Lutherans say “not having a preacher.” But it’s once again becoming trendy for feminists to insist that David’s real sin was … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, The Modern Church, Theology | 10 Comments

What Seminary Taught Me About Greatness

Should a woman study at seminary? I’ve seen the question raised quite a bit over the past few months for various reasons. Some of that reason, of course, is the fault of “Christian” feminists who will always try to scrabble … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Feminism, Sanctification, Theology, Vocation | 3 Comments

Your Earthly Kingdom Matters

“My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not of this world.” “My kingdom … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Ethics, Politics, Vocation | 2 Comments