Category Archives: Two Kingdoms

Whether Voters, Too, Can Be Saved

Ever since the Fall, the evil impulses of man’s heart have needed to be restrained, lest wickedness proliferate among us. In His mercy, God sent Jesus Christ to die on our behalf, providing whoever believes in Him with the eternal … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Family, Law, Natural Law, Politics, The Modern Church, Theological Pietism, Two Kingdoms, Vocation | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Critical Theory is Spiritual Poison

Note: If you haven’t yet read Part 1 in this series, “Know Your Enemy: What is Critical Theory?” please do so first. Many Christian conservatives might be tempted to agree with my assessment of Critical Theory, but also relegate it … Continue reading

Posted in Heresy, Lutheranism, Politics, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition, Two Kingdoms | 1 Comment

What We Have In Common

As diversity continues its work of assassinating American common ground, it’s no surprise that American churches are struggling with the issue of race & nation as it pertains to their faith. Christianity is, of course, a universal religion rather than … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Lutheranism, Politics, Two Kingdoms, Vocation | 4 Comments

Does Christian Nationalism Cause National Christianity?

In my last post, I considered the differences between “Christian nationalism” and “national Christianity” (the former being a form of nationalism modified by Christianity and the latter being a form of Christianity modified by nationalism.)  While national Christianity would be … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Ethics, Politics, Two Kingdoms | 3 Comments

How Christians Value Politics

The world is a den of murderers, subject to the Devil. If we desire to live on earth, we must be content to be guests in it, and to lie in an inn where the host is a rascal, whose … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Politics, The Modern Church, Two Kingdoms | Leave a comment

Their Problem is with Nations, not Nationalism

It seems that Commonweal Magazine recently published an open letter against Christian Nationalism–or at least against Christians who are also nationalists. Unsurprisingly, given the source, much of it can simply be dismissed as “blah blah blah racism; blah blah blah Nazis; … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Ethics, Politics, Two Kingdoms | 2 Comments

Answering Some Objections About Christian Nationalism

The nice part about having something up on the Federalist is all the feedback you get.  The bad part, of course, is the nature of 90% of that feedback.  But as per my custom, here are my responses to the … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Politics, Theology, Tradition, Two Kingdoms | 2 Comments