Category Archives: Uncategorized

If You Want Well-Behaved Children in Church, Teach God’s Order

When God blesses a congregation with young children, He is blessing them with a future. Given the average age in many of our churches, it’s a blessing we ought to fervently pray for. Nevertheless, when God does bless an elderly … Continue reading

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The Antinomian Captivity of the Church

Until recently, I had only heard of one instance of excommunication in my 43 years as a Lutheran. I was only a child at the time, so my information was second-hand. But from what I remember, it was a very … Continue reading

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18 Points of Christian Nationalism – a 2nd Draft

Like any nascent political movement, Christian Nationalism is an idea that is still coalescing. For the time-being, it means some different things to different people–especially to critics who are inclined to construct straw-men decorated with a few of the worst … Continue reading

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How to Sexualize Children

Refusing to teach school children about LGBTP perversions is a no-brainer for anyone with a shred of humanity. So is not teaching children anything behind their parents’ backs and against their wishes. There is absolutely no reason to subject children … Continue reading

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Regular Posts Will Resume Soon

I just realized that it’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything on the blog, so I wanted to give my regular readers a vague idea of what’s going.  The last couple months have presented me with some serious … Continue reading

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Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus … Continue reading

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Some of Jesus’ Disciples Were Armed

Given some of the comments, I really wish I had taken the time to point this out in my latest Federalist piece on gun control… So in Gethsemane, when the soldiers come to take Jesus, Peter takes his sword and … Continue reading

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Do We Have to Amputate?

There’s been an update on the Maryland family threatened by Child Protective Services for allowing their children (10 and 6) to walk to & from a local park on their own. According to the Washington Post, CPS has concluded their … Continue reading

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Domesticated Camels in Genesis not yet Confirmed by Science

At least, that’s how a more objective headline regarding the recent findings of two Israeli archeologists might read (though I suppose one could quibble about the “yet.”) Instead we get headlines like “Is Camel Discovery the Straw the Broke the … Continue reading

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The Fisherman’s Choice

I was pondering a modern parable recently. I can’t remember where I first heard it, but the gist of it is this: Once upon a time, a rich businessman and his entourage visited a harbor examining some ocean-front property to … Continue reading

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