Does Christian Nationalism Cause National Christianity?

In my last post, I considered the differences between “Christian nationalism” and “national Christianity” (the former being a form of nationalism modified by Christianity and the latter being a form of Christianity modified by nationalism.)  While national Christianity would be a short road to false teaching and heresy, Christian nationalism is both necessary and natural. Christian nationalism is merely men who are both Christian and American rejecting the religious neutrality of the 20th century and acting according to both of those identities at the same time in the public square.

But there is one last complaint against this phenomenon that I did not have space to address last time. Many of those who decry Christian nationalism allege that it conflates American and Christian identities and creates some kind of Frankenstein hybrid of the two. Putting it another way, they suggest that embracing Christian nationalism would necessarily bring some measure of national Christianity along for the ride. So how valid is that particular criticism?

Well, “conflation” is certainly not the right word for what happens in Christian nationalism. If I, as an individual, am to be both Christian and American at the same time, then those two identities are necessarily united in the way I live–as they are in all American Christians. Christ lays claim to our entire lives, not just the “spiritual” parts.

But “united” is not the same thing as “conflated.” We may be citizens of both of these Two Kingdoms—the Church and Civil Government—but their responsibilities and authorities are different even as they proceed from the same God. For example, the Church has no need of violence to make disciples of all nations, but the State sometimes does in order to punish wrongdoers and protect right-doers. But at the same time, the State’s ability to discern between wrongdoers and right-doers should absolutely be influenced by the Christian faith of its citizens and their representatives. Likewise, on one hand, the State has no need to administer the Sacraments or preach God’s Word, while these are the Church’s raison d’etre. But on the other hand, when it considers how to deal with different forms of religious expression, the State does need to distinguish between things like gathering for a church service and flying planes into skyscrapers. So these responsibilities and their attached authorities do not need to be mixed or confused, but neither can they be hermetically sealed from one-another.

Our dual-citizenship in these Kingdoms therefore does create dilemmas for American Christians sometimes. But these dilemmas are resolved by considering our vocations—exactly what God has called us to do in our various circumstances. As my regular readers will know, I’ve written about such matters quite a few times. And while it’s not always easy to discern how each of our identities parse out in real life, the futile and contradictory attempts to keep our politics religiously neutral and our religion politically neutral has already failed utterly. I am both Christian and American, but I am only one person–not two. I do not have to or want to split myself between them in order to walk that fine line.

But if it is such a fine line, then, surely there are going to be a whole lot of American Christians who walk it poorly. So practically speaking, does that mean Christian nationalism will end up resulting in some degree of national Christianity? This may come as a surprise, but yes; I think it will. Does this therefore mean we must avoid it at all costs? No; absolutely not.

If you’re looking for an invincible political ideology that will never fall to corruption, your only option is to wait for the eschaton. Politics corrupts. Always. There is no nation that will last forever. There is no political ideology that fits all circumstances. There is no earthly authority that will not be abused and misused. As life changes, Christian nationalism in America will fail–just as it already failed once in the past, resulting in today’s multiculturalism and globalism.

In the same way, if you’re looking for an invincible Christian tradition that will never be affected by worldly corruption, you’ll be empty-handed until Christ returns. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, but the various traditions she creates will inevitably have a shelf-life. Worldliness corrupts. Always. Even when that world is shaped by Christians for the better, it will still come back to hate us. Indeed, in the post-Christian West, it already has. The very institutions and ideas born from Christian compassion and faithful activity in the world are even now being wielded against their sire.

That’s a grim prognosis to be sure, but do not mistake it for fatalism. It is nothing of the kind.

Christians of weak constitution will perceive such natural consequences and simply give up and withdraw from the fight. They will continue in the futility of severing their faith from their politics, desperately trying to keep both pristine. But in doing so, they will increasingly abandon their responsibilities in both Kingdoms.

After all, we are not of the world, but God has deliberately placed us in it. He has called us to many and various worldly tasks. He has given us divine wisdom to carry out those tasks well. Pastors should condemn those politics which contradict God’s word. Laity should carry out their civil vocations as Christians and let God’s word inform their public lives.

That is why to the strong, the inevitability of corruption in a fallen world merely provides a scope to our warfare. We are not responsible for building an eternal utopia; we are only responsible for the tasks that have been given to us–including preparing our children for the tasks that will be given to them. We must learn to discern well. We must teach the next generation to discern well. We do our best, and then we lean on Christ’s forgiveness.

Right now, neither the Church nor the American nation are under assault from Christian nationalism. They are under assault from globalism, multiculturalism, wokeness, absentminded Marxism, and the like. Those are the battles that face Americans today–including Christian Americans. And as I’ve written before, these poisonous ideologies wreak the kind of havoc they do precisely because of the fake religious neutrality we’ve embraced. America needs Christian nationalism because that religious neutrality has failed. Right now, our civic responsibility is to provide for that need. If we shy away from that fight and instead throw down against Christian nationalism because of what it might someday become, we’re playing Screwtape’s game: “To have them all running about with fire extinguishers when there is a flood, and all crowding to that side of the boat which is already nearly gunwale under.”

Now, if America succeeds in her present conflict, then in 200 years, American Christians may very well need to fight against whatever form of national Christianity that Christian nationalism devolved into. They will need to retake their ecclesial traditions from worldly corruption. They will need to retake their civic institutions from false religion. Such a battle will no doubt look very very different from our own.

But we don’t live in a speculative future when Christian nationalism is our enemy. We live in a very real present in which Christian nationalism is a necessity for reestablishing competent American civic institutions (and benign with respect to the common ecclesial corruptions of our day.) It is our job to take up that banner even if it may be our descendants’ job to lay it down for a time. To be clear, this doesn’t mean we embrace Christian nationalism as some kind of necessary evil. It means we embrace it as a good which is not immune to corruption—as is the case with all earthly goods.

We cannot fight every conceivable battle at the same time–though Satan would certainly like us to exhaust and defeat ourselves trying. Instead, we need to engage in battles we’ve actually been given. Right now, that means being Christian in everything we do as Americans.

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Ethics, Politics, Two Kingdoms | 3 Comments

Christian Nationalism vs. National Christianity

December brought a great deal of hand-wringing from Big Eva and mainline liberalism over the “threat” posed by Christian nationalism. The pieces range from attempts to be thoughtful to puerile scoffing that tries to tie Christian nationalism to things like racism, violence, and–even worse–wives submitting to their husbands. But wherever they fall on that spectrum, they all agree that Christian Nationalism must be stopped.

The volume on that shared note is peculiar, as I daresay there is more open opposition to Christian nationalism than there are people who embrace the label. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting just how threatened they are by us even when we’re few in number.

In any case, there are a multitude of faults in this latest barrage, but the one that seems common to them all is a simple confusion between Christian nationalism and some kind of “national Christianity.”

So what’s the difference between those two very similar terms? Well, remember that the adjective modifies the noun. So Christian nationalism is a nation-centric political philosophy altered by Christianity whereas national Christianity is a version of the Christian religion altered by nationalism. Those are two very different animals, and it does us no good to conflate them.

Let’s look at Christian nationalism first. At it’s core, Christian nationalism is a political philosophy that involves putting your own nation ahead of others—just as any other brand of nationalism is. However, because it is informed by Christianity, it changes many of the how’s and why’s behind that priority.

For example: Whereas some forms of nationalism have people putting their nation first because they believe it superior to every other nation on Earth, Christian nationalism has people putting their nation first because it’s the specific nation into which God has placed them. Effectively, it’s the same reason we prioritize our own children over others–because they’re ours and we have a special responsibility to them. As Jesus told the Canaanite woman who beseeched him as king of Israel, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs.”

And this kind of modified priority brings another important implication along for the ride: Whereas some forms of nationalism view other nations as consumable resources for one’s own, Christian nationalism does not–anymore than caring for your own children means a freedom to exploit other children. We know that citizens of other nations have been called to serve their own country ahead of others just as we have, and we ought to respect that calling. Simple adjustments like this can make a huge difference to one’s national priorities—and limitations.

Another difference made by Christian nationalism is that it embraces Christianity’s judgements on laws and politics.  To be sure, the Bible does not endorse any particular political system, and it remains silent on many legal issues.  It does, however,  pass judgment on many others and it inevitably informs Christians as they go about their civic lives. Christianity may not have anything to say about whether we should have a republic or a monarchy or on capital gains, but it has much to say on whether we should value our children or murder them.

Lastly, Christian nationalism seeks to minimize the extent to which the Church and the state are in conflict with one-another.  Some nations have done this by means of establishing state churches–an arrangement which has generally gone very badly.  But America has chosen a better way of protecting religious freedom and respecting the different roles that church and state play. Nevertheless, we live in a time when many in the state seek to impose a fanatical false religion of gnostic hyper-individualism in violation of that religious freedom. Accordingly, it’s become apparent that religious freedom does not mean religious neutrality. Christian nationalism rejects neutrality to try and prevent situations where the commands of the state contradict the commands of our God–forcing us into disobedience to the state.

As a result of differences like these, Christian nationalism ends up encompassing beliefs that are more mundane than the current hand-wringing would suggest. For Americans, it means recognizing that Christianity’s influence over the United States has eclipsed the influences of other religion. It means believing that a Christian worldview should predominate over alternative worldviews in American civic life. And as a consequence, it means that American heritage is inextricably tied to Christianity. A nation that tried to remove or sufficiently dilute that heritage could no longer be called “American” in the same sense as before.

Such beliefs may indeed be controversial in 2021, but they are hardly beyond the pale in the way that the critics try to portray Christian nationalism. Only a few generations ago, they would have been broadly expected. But much of the ire directed at Christian nationalism by Christians doesn’t really come from beliefs like those. Rather, they come from beliefs that would more appropriately belong to the category of “national Christianity.” After all, for the most part, they are comprised of Christian religious beliefs altered by American nationalism rather than vice versa.

Some of those beliefs, I’ve never really encountered “in the wild,” and so I suspect them of being strawmen. I’ve seen, for example, condemnations of the belief that being a good American is a key part of the Christian’s path towards salvation or even a belief that only Americans can be saved. Those would, of course, be ridiculous heresies according to real Christianity if anyone actually taught them.

Other condemned beliefs, I have actually encountered–either in history or in person. For example, some American Christians (falsely) give America some kind of place of honor in their absurd misunderstandings of end-times prophecies or redemptive history. Others try to turn America into some kind of second Israel–taking many of God’s Old Testament promises to His people and applying them to the United States. These are likewise false religious teachings that Christians are right to condemn and avoid. God may have given us the task of caring for our nation, but He has not declared any such status to America today.

There is also so-called “Trumpism” to consider. There are evangelicals who suggest that the President has some kind of special “anointing” that goes beyond the ordinary civil authority that God ordains and which President Trump lawfully possesses. (After all, everyone in authority has been specifically appointed by God to rise to the challenges of the day which their responsibilities present–not just President Trump.) Here too, we must treat this as wholly speculative, for God has not declared any such special status for the President either. Believe what you will about the man, but only false teachers present that kind of personal speculation as divine writ.

To be sure, I support President Trump. I’ll even go a step further and point out my expressed suspicions that many of the forces contending against him are demonic in nature. I am grateful to him for engaging in that fight despite all that pressure against him. But it does not logically follow that he is therefore on the side of the angels. After all, as Luther put it, God will often use one knave to punish another. And even if he does end up prevailing over the electoral fraud for a second term, that’s only the continuation of America’s struggles, not the end. We cannot presume to know God’s mind or plans and must never conflate our speculation with His Word.

So the various voices opposing Christian nationalism are right to decry beliefs like these. Nevertheless, those beliefs are not best described as Christian nationalism at all for they conform our religion to our politics rather than our politics to our religion.

Neither, I suspect, are they held by most Christian nationalists. Those are all elements of an American civil religion that stands apart from Christianity even as it borrows from it. But Christian nationalism is not a matter of America using Christianity as raw material to cast a spiritual light on our civics. It is, rather, a nation of men who are both Christian and American serving their country according to both of those identities. That isn’t something which the Church needs, but it is something America needs—desperately.

Too many such men have set down their Christian convictions in public because of a false narrative of religious neutrality. Christian nationalism is rising only because that narrative has failed, and more of us are becoming willing to let our faith into that area of our lives again. And that is not something to be condemned, but embraced.

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Politics | 5 Comments

Merry Christmas

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth… And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

The Light still shines in the darkness. No matter what shadows you and yours may stand under as 2020 draws to a close, Jesus is king. The child born to Mary 2000 years ago still lives and reigns. May He continue to bless us with grace upon grace, that we might all find our lives in Him.

Posted in Gospel | Leave a comment

Which Conspiracy Is True?

Conspiracy theories have always been with us, but I suspect they proliferate far more in the information age. Whenever we start accumulating too many facts that contradict some commonly accepted narrative or another, people will begin coming up with alternative explanations. Sometimes those alternatives are reasonable; often they’re not. But the worse the official narratives are, the more available information is, and the easier it is to find a platform to advertise an alternative theory, the more conspiracy theories a society is going to have. Naturally, contemporary America is a perfect storm.

As I’ve written before, the honest response to 99% of conspiracy theories is really “I don’t know.” After all, most people have never genuinely considered theories outside of their familiar paradigm. The time and inclination simply aren’t there. Those who have considered will usually find that no matter how faulty the official narrative is, they don’t have enough evidence to prove any specific alternative. Nevertheless, on any given theory, you’ll always have a small handful of people who are absolutely certain they’ve pierced the veil of secrecy to discover the real truth, and a large mob of people who vehemently dismiss the whole thing as ridiculous despite their ignorance.

And so, dishonest though it might be, vehement dismissal is the usual response to conspiracy theories. It’s easy; it’s comfortable; and no one will hold you accountable for doing so. That’s why, when someone challenges a narrative you’re attached to, labeling the challenge a “conspiracy theory” has proven an effective tactic in shoving the whole matter under the rug.

That’s certainly been the case with the allegations of massive voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election. When they report on it at all, the establishment media has falsely assured us that there is no evidence or falsely claimed that it has been debunked.  Leftist officials, of course, parrot those same claims. Most of President Trump’s legal actions have been dismissed rather than lost–as in courts have refused to hear the case rather than weighed the evidence and explicitly judged against it. And countless private citizens have glossed over the whole matter as unthinkable.

The President’s account of election night might be a “conspiracy theory” in that it challenges a widely accepted narrative held by many established institutions without official proof and alleges large-scale coordinated wrongdoing.  But it’s becoming increasingly apparent that “the elections were fairly and safely conducted” meets exactly the same criteria.

Love him or hate him, the most important person making these allegations is the sitting President of the United States. This allegation isn’t coming from some nobody on the internet, but from the highest office in the land. In addition, seventeen different states were part of Texas’ dismissed lawsuit to force the battleground states to follow proper legal procedures. One hundred and twenty six U.S. Representatives signed a document in support of that suit. Five states have created slates of alternative electors in order to provide further opportunity for legal challenges. Skepticism of the election’s legitimacy is both mainstream and official.

The evidence is likewise continuing to mount and reach higher levels of credibility. Hearsay about ejected observers and under-the-table counting has become hundreds of signed affidavits. Those affidavits have become supported by videos that anyone can watch. Statistical analysis of electronic fraud has become a forensic examination of voting machines ordered and released by a Michigan court that anyone can (and should) read. And that forensic evidence is absolutely damning. Every last Dominion voting machine in the country needs to be immediately seized and examined in the same way.

You can complain that carrying out fraud on this scale would have required far too many people to be plausible. But producing evidence of fraud on this scale has also now involved countless people, both high and low–officials, functionaries, and bystanders alike. If the election was fraudulent, there was a massive conspiracy to steal it. If the election was fair, there is a massive conspiracy to undermine it. This is no longer a choice about whether or not you’re one of those crazy conspiracy theorists. This is a choice about which conspiracy you believe in.

If you have any opinion on the election other than “I don’t know”, you have become a conspiracy theorist without even trying. And if your opinion really is “I don’t know”, then you need to consider the implication: You don’t know whether your upcoming federal government is legitimate.

Wouldn’t you like to find out? Wouldn’t you like to see evidence publicly submitted and transparently examined? Wouldn’t you like to see our courts and legislatures do their jobs and actually hear the cases rather than dismiss them on issues of standing?  Wouldn’t you like to see the ballots fully audited rather than just recounted? Wouldn’t you like to see all the voting machines examined rather than wiped so that no one will ever know what really happened? Wouldn’t you like to see all the evidence come to light rather than be hidden away?

Well that’s not what journalists are doing. That’s not what Democrats are doing. That’s not what our courts are doing. That’s not what governors and election officials in disputed states are doing. That’s not what Big Tech is doing. That’s what President Trump is doing. The President and his team are trying to promulgate and submit evidence. They’re the ones serving the people who don’t know. The others are very obviously trying to bury it.

I wasn’t at a disputed precinct on election night. I wasn’t observing any vote counts. I didn’t examine any voting machines. Like most Americans, I have to rely on what others report, and so it comes down to the question of which reports are trustworthy and believable. In a situation like that, I will always trust the side that’s dragging the matter out into the open rather than the one actively trying to keep us all in the dark.

Accordingly, I believe the conspiracy theory about the election being stolen rather than the conspiracy theory about it being carried out in a fair and lawful manner. I’m open to counter-evidence and persuasion based on investigation, but I’m not open to empty labels and dismissals.

That leaves me with this conclusion: If all these smoking guns aren’t properly accounted for rather than merely dismissed, then American democracy is truly dead.  Elections that cannot be double-checked cannot be trusted. Elections that cannot be trusted are not truly free. And if, as some believe, President Trump does end up crossing the Rubicon in order to punish democracy’s murderers, then so be it. It would not be him who ended the Republic. It would be the officials at every level who failed to do their jobs.

Posted in Politics | 8 Comments

Why You Shouldn’t Implicitly Trust Experts

Awhile back, I used to work as a “software application architect” at an aerospace company. And while this company wasn’t the biggest name in the business, neither were we some unknown. If I listed some of the projects going on while I was there, you’d probably recognize some of them even if you aren’t a big fan of space exploration. It was a good company with a lot of highly competent workers that has some genuinely impressive accomplishments of which we were rightly proud.

The team I was a part of provided software tools to the engineers there. In other words, you could legitimately call many of my internal customers “rocket scientists.” We were part of an effort to move away from an outdated, paper-based system for managing spacecraft parts, design changes, and so forth. I also helped support the software we configured and wrote, which required a modest amount of customer interaction.

But the thing about doing tech support for intelligent and talented aerospace engineers is that it’s really not much different than doing tech support for your grandma. There’s the same resistance to change when learning new technology. There’s the same failure to try to read and understand the directions. There’s the same general attitude that computers are a kind of voodoo. You come away with the same kind of stupid human stories that every other tech support worker has.

At one point, we had to implement a timeout in our software in an effort to reduce some concurrent licensing costs. The problem was the possibility that somebody could be logged out without saving their work. So we wanted to be absolutely sure that every user understood that after 30 minutes of inactivity, the software would be forcibly log them out to end their session.

We knew most of them didn’t read our email announcements and would just click away any popup without reading it, so we decided to implement an extremely simple reading comprehension test at login. We added a single sentence of giant bright red text to the login window telling them that they would be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity. Then we asked them for the number of minutes in the message. They could not log in until they entered “30.” It was so simple my 6-year-old could do it.

We had to eliminate the quiz after only a couple hours because our help desk was completely overwhelmed with rocket scientists who couldn’t figure it out.

Every single call I took–every last one–all I had to do was ask “Is there any kind of error message or notification on the screen?” Then they would say “oh yeah,” read it out loud to me and immediately ask, “Oh, so I just have to enter ’30?'” And that was it. Encouraging them to read THE GIANT RED TEXT was literally the only action needed.

So it was a learning experience for everyone. And in the end, the whole snafu did make sure that everyone know about the timeout.  But the most important takeaway is this:  Our culture tries very hard to create a glamour around our experts and elevate them above the rest. But the more time one spends around experts, the more that glamour fades.  Even the fanciest sports car is eventually going to break down and rust away the same way any other car will.

As I said, these weren’t stupid people. Far from it. The problem, if you want to call it that, was just that they were people. The mistake they made was a very human one–you expect things to work the same as they did the day before and so you unconsciously tune out the “clutter” that interferes with that. Rocket scientists aren’t immune to this or any other common human failing. Being intelligent, well-trained, and working competently in a high-level discipline doesn’t change human nature in the slightest. Pick any cliché you want: missing the forest for the trees, thinking the grass is always greener on the other side, crying wolf, power corrupting, fear being contagious, or anything else. Expert humans fail at Aesop’s fables just as readily as non-expert humans.

This is as true at a group level as it is on an individual level. A mob of experts will exhibit the same typical behavior as any other kind of mob. There will be peer pressure. There will be loss of personal responsibility. There will be echo chambers, increasing emotional resonance, and punishment for those who deviate. No matter how smart or credentialed, humans remain irrevocably fallen and make completely mundane mistakes on a regular basis.

Americans must write this reality onto our hearts because we are currently under siege by various groups of experts who think their training and discipline puts them above the criticism of normies. They are above nothing. Our medical experts are panicking over a bad flu. Our expert journalists are liars. Our political experts are fools and tyrants. This isn’t because they’re especially bad. It’s because there’s nothing special about them at all. There are the usual bad actors. There are their usual sycophants. There are the usual people just going along to get along. And through it all, there are the same stupid mistakes we all make.

Expertise and intelligence do nothing to inoculate us against human foibles. All they do is facilitate more creative and harmful expressions of our failings.

So don’t be afraid to skeptically question experts. If they truly know their material they should also be able to explain it to someone who does not. At worst, you’ll be wrong and end up coming away knowing more than when you started. But in the course of that conversation, it usually becomes apparent whether they’re making the kinds of human mistakes that anyone can recognize.

And if there’s one thing we don’t lack today, it’s constant chatter from experts which we can read and judge. The masks are off for anyone willing to be skeptical.

Posted in Culture, Musings, Politics, Science | 1 Comment

Joseph, Did You Know?

Well, Joseph didn’t know–at least, not until an angel told him. And his first reaction to the situation tells us something different than what I’ve been hearing from a lot of people using him as an example lately.

Most of what I’ve seen was in response to this hot take on marrying single moms from last week:

And as if with a single voice, everybody seemed to respond, “Well, it’s a good thing Joseph didn’t think like you!”

With Christmas just around the corner, I suppose it’s only natural that St. Joseph would come to mind. I just wish people would’ve actually paused for a moment and pondered the facts before using him as an example. It’s a story we all know, but these folks all overlooked one really important detail: Joseph’s initial reaction was to quietly sever his relationship with Mary precisely because he naturally took her pregnancy as proof of her fornication and concluded that this made her unfit to be his bride.

Matthew’s Gospel even notes how righteous Joseph was for taking this course of action. To be sure, that was in large part was because he sought to avoid ending Mary’s life over the matter–whether figuratively or literally. He did not exercise his rights to have her punished, nor did he seek to turn it into a public scandal. Nevertheless, generously sparing Mary some consequences of what he thought were her actions couldn’t have been the whole of the matter for him. After all, he could have accomplished even greater protection by just going ahead and marrying her anyway. But he didn’t–at least not until a literal angel of the Lord came to explain the truth of the matter.

So despite all the attempts to use Joseph as a counter-example, his reaction to marrying a single mom was probably a lot closer to the original tweet than to its critics.

The key reality that the critics don’t want to acknowledge is that Aubrey Huff’s feelings on the matter are perfectly natural for a man to have. We are, after all, far more inclined than women to care about our spouse’s chastity–and those instincts serve us well. Not to mention the fact that marrying a single mom may very well be deliberately coming between another man and his children. Despite the modern prejudice, many absent fathers aren’t absent by choice.  Concerns like these are not vanity–just common sense which participants in an age of rampant fornication would like to abolish.

Do these feelings have to be the end of the matter for a man? Not at all. As I’ve written before, some single moms may be a good choice for some men to marry. To be sure, sometimes there are mitigating circumstances (rape, abandonment, etc), even if they’re not as extraordinary as what Joseph discovered. But far more commonly and importantly, there can be repentance and forgiveness. There can be grace and gratitude. But none of these things can be coerced–neither grace nor forgiveness can be owed. Accordingly, we cannot tell men that they have some kind of moral obligation to marry single moms.

And for those blessings to come about naturally in a relationship, there are two prerequisites. First, of course, the woman needs to have repented and built character in the meantime. Men ought to care enough about their future children that they choose a virtuous mother for them.

But more to the point here, the man needs to actually deal with his natural feelings regarding the unchastity. He cannot do so by pretending he never felt them. He cannot do so by means of people condemning him for feeling that way or by condemning himself for it. That’s merely repression of those feelings, and it will do no good for either the man or the woman in the long run. The only healthy way a mature man can deal with feelings like that is to first acknowledge the truth behind them and then find ways to move past it and work around it.

He cannot do that by pretending that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a prospective wife’s unchastity. He cannot do that by pretending she had no agency in the matter. He cannot do that by pretending fornication, divorce, adultery, and so forth are of no concern–for he instinctively knows better.

Neither can he move on by engaging in the big sexual rationalization of our age, which has also come up in the current conversation. We are told that a woman’s sexual history does not matter–only what she does while she’s in a relationship with you. But this is not a meaningful moral distinction rooted in Biblical sexual morality or in natural law. No, this idea is born from the modern custom of serial monogamy.

For the sake of fornication, we in the modern West treated our temporary but “long-term” relationships as though they were mini-marriages. This has proven to be a disastrous point of view. Not only do we demand undue exclusivity & emotional investment from our dates–and even friendships–but we also endure undue heartache at breakups, all so that we can participate in undue physical intimacy.

As a result, serial monogamy has drawn it’s own set of ad hoc sexual ethics into orbit around these dubious relationships. Excuses like “We hadn’t met yet,” “what we did wasn’t technically intercourse,” “we were on a break,” and so forth are supposed to make a person morally upright. But these are all pale imitations of real chastity just as so-called long-term relationships are pale imitations of marriage.

And everyone knows that serial monogamy makes no sense, which is precisely why it’s being rapidly abandoned in favor of hookup culture. That’s not exactly an improvement, but so long as repentance isn’t on the table, it at least makes more sense to people.

But a man considering marriage has to think more deeply than the rationalizations of modern America. He has to think about chastity. Chastity is a virtue. It’s not so arbitrary that it’s somehow reset every time you transfer to a different relationship. Our persons and our character persist through our sordid histories without a statute of limitations. And so, all fornication is unfaithfulness to our spouses–whether or not it falls within the boundaries of some kind of arbitrary dating relationship.

Now, unfaithfulness can certainly be forgiven and relationships restored. But this does not happen when the unfaithful person refuses to repent or the victim pretends there was nothing unfaithful about it. And even in the best of circumstances, there is a measure of graciousness, sacrifice, and risk when marrying a single mom–one that goes beyond the measure of the same required by marrying even a chaste bride.

I’m not saying never marry a single mom. I’m not saying no single mom is worth marrying. I am saying that Christians need to stop virtue-signalling by pretending unchastity makes no difference.

And stop using St. Joseph as a means to such vainglorious ends. Because until God explained the situation, his righteous actions reveal a belief that premarital unfaithfulness is indeed a legitimate reason to politely walk away.

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Family, Law, Natural Law | 8 Comments

Still Too White? Demographics as Measure of Mission

Should church bodies be measuring the effectiveness of our evangelism based on our racial makeup? One pastor made this charge in reaction to my recent post on the subject:

I consider this a confession of sin: “And that’s really where most new Christians come from in established American church bodies like the LCMS–through their relationships with believers in one way or another. Sure, a few people dropped by after attending your bake sale or hearing your radio ad, but not many. God bless those who plant local missionary churches and simply invite the neighborhood, but they are the blessed exception rather than the blessed norm. As a result, there is a demographic gravity to our congregations that is powerful but also benign.”

Our lack of being missional, specifically an “all the nations” missional, truly needs to be addressed and solved if we’re to carry out the Great Commission.

Yes, our church is too white, because we are not effectively missional.

Saying we are so negligent at evangelism that it qualifies as sinful is a hefty charge, and I think it’s worth addressing. I focused more on the charge of racism than I did on evangelism the first time around. And while I responded in the comments, I think a fuller explanation is worth it’s own post.

But before we dive in I want to clarify how I’m using a couple terms here, since the commenter did not.

First, we could argue about exactly what “missional” means and what constitutes being effective at it. After all, it’s a buzz-word in LCMS circles that’s usually attached to a focus on nebulous evangelism programs. But let’s just take it in very broad terms as “deliberate evangelism.”

Second, I’m restricting in the scope of “sin” here to coram mundo. In this context, judging evangelism coram deo is senseless because until the Great Commission is truly over at Christ’s return, there is always more work to be done, and absolutely none of us have made perfectly efficient use of our time. It’s like fathers and mothers wondering whether they could have done more for their children. The answer is always “yes,” and so coram deo we must all lean on the righteousness of Christ. But that doesn’t mean that we should all be calling each other bad parents, for imperfect parents have no business condemning mere imperfection in others. Gross negligence is still a meaningful accusation, but mere imperfection is not. The same is true of imperfect evangelists. As Christ taught, we need to be careful in how we judge one-another.

Third, I’m leaving all consideration of racism out of it. I’m content with how I addressed that aspect of it last time.

So with that cleared up, let’s tackle the main question here: Can we measure a church body’s skill at participating in the Great Commission by looking at the slightly off-white color of its collective skins? Is it reasonable to conclude that any non-negligent evangelism would result in racial diversity?

Absolutely not.

Let’s start with some examples of effective mission–apart from the meaningless question of whether we have “enough” examples like these. The LCMS has planted churches in various places around the globe–and sent missionaries to countless more. Church bodies in places like Ghana, Korea, and Japan are the direct result of our missionaries bringing the Gospel to the very nonwhite peoples there. And those are just a few examples of our international mission work. So we’re ultimately talking about a multitude to whom the Word was sown and alongside whom we shall stand before the Lamb clothed in white.

I think we can all agree that such things are good deliberate evangelism. But there’s a perfectly natural circumstance to all these missions: None of them have made the LCMS any less white because these brothers and sisters are typically not LCMS members.

Most of them belong to different church bodies with whom we are in partnership–in other words, they’re fellow Christians and Lutherans who confess what we confess. That’s a wonderful reality that would in no way be improved by trying to finagle them into the LCMS bureaucracy. Making LCMS members of all nations was never the point of the Great Commission. Effective mission is declaring God’s Word to people and giving them the Sacraments, not giving them membership in an organization so that we can virtue-signal about our racial demographics.

Ah, but you might say that that’s all a matter of international mission. Surely, when it comes to domestic matters, any effective evangelism would be resulting in a larger and broader LCMS membership.

Why should it?

I’ll use myself as an example here. I’m not particularly adept at evangelism. Nevertheless, even I have had opportunities to share the pure Gospel with those who needed it. Sometimes I’ve even been blessed to actually see it received with joy. I’ve also had opportunities to invite people to my congregation to connect them with Word and Sacrament ministry. I’ve invited a few people that I know. I’ve canvassed a few neighborhoods to invite strangers. Yeah; It’s not much. But considering how difficult personal evangelism is for those of us on the spectrum, I’m not ashamed coram mundo. Certainly, I’ve repented coram deo for opportunities I know I’ve missed, but we’re all in that boat.

But I don’t remember ever specifically encouraging someone to join my denomination, and I have no idea if I’ve had any impact on our membership numbers apart from my own children. And you know what? I don’t consider myself guilty of sin for that lack, so I’m certainly not going to judge someone else for it.

Don’t get me wrong: I appreciate the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod; I’m grateful for what it’s offered to me; and I’m happy to remain within her. It’s simply that membership is a matter of administration rather than evangelism. It’s not a great metric when it comes to simply sowing the Word.

Then what about connecting people with congregations? Yes; we should do that too. But we’re either going to connect them with established congregations or with new church plants. Those are two very different organs of the same Church, and judging both by demographics is ridiculous.

Established congregations do not, can not, and should not operate like brand new missionary churches. Church plants have the advantages of adaptability, novelty, and enthusiasm. They are very well-suited to bringing the Gospel to unbelievers in a locale and building a new Christian community. Established churches have the advantages of heritage, mature organizational skills & structures, and capital. They are very well-suited to feeding a community of existing Christians and their posterity with Word and Sacrament.

Both of these are wonderful gifts of God that bring people into His kingdom. Accordingly, neither should become the eye telling the ear we have no need of you. Quite frankly, I think a lot of our frustration with ineffective mission is a result of people who are unwilling to embrace the uncertainty of a church plant instead trying to co-opt established congregations and change them into something they’re not.

And we should remember: Every church plant that lasts is going to become an established congregation eventually. After all, we don’t gather people in just so that we can abandon them. That is not failure of mission; that is success.

The LCMS is an established church body. We should be judging it by those standards rather than expecting every Sunday at every congregation to be a local Pentecost that gathers in everyone within a 10-mile radius around the church regardless of demographics. We have our own way of doing things. Some people love that way. Some people are ambivalent about that way. Some people hate that way. The thing is, all of those opinions are totally fine for fellow Christians to hold. We cannot be an organization that all tribes and nations are going to flock to in response to our evangelism, and we should not expect ourselves to be.

What happens when we do judge ourselves by the standard of established church bodies? According to studies commissioned by the Synod a few years back, the LCMS is actually reasonably good at evangelism. It takes us 44 adult members to gain a single convert. That puts us right between the adult-evangelism-focused Southern Baptists at 47 and the  Mormons at 40 who, despite their heresy, are nevertheless famous for their rigorous missionary efforts. For an established church body, I’d consider that “effectively missional.”

But that brings us right back to what I wrote last time. Established churches tend to bring in their own children and the people they naturally encounter in their day-to-day lives. These are not random samples of the community. Rather than 44 adults for one convert, it only takes two fertile Lutherans to catechize their kids and create 1-6 new members. (At least it would if we still had families. If we’re going to accuse the LCMS of sin based on its demographics, we should start with our adoption of the world’s hatred of having children. That is absolutely the biggest coram mundo standard that we fail.)

My point is this: whether by new or established congregations, the wedding feast of the lamb is filled either way–it’s just that the congregations look different. And God never gave us diversity quotas that should make us ashamed of our looks. Accusing our churches of being too white is merely burdening them with meaningless traditions of men.

Again, I’m not saying we can’t be better at evangelism. I would be happy if we started sending missionaries domestically the way we’ve done internationally. Plant a church in a neighborhood that needs the Gospel and adapt its administration to the qualities of that community. But make it a partner church that holds to the Lutheran confessions and with whom we share fellowship instead of trying to shoehorn it into LCMS bureaucracies and customs. Unlike the Gospel, those are not a good fit for every demographic.

Obviously we should evangelize more. That’s a simple truism that anyone can repeat to score piety points. But I’m surely not going to accuse anyone of sin for not doing that because not everyone is called to be a missionary. Neither is everyone obligated to share my opinions on what constitutes good evangelism strategies.

And bringing it back to our original question, neither is any such missionary effort obligated to ethnic diversity. At best, even missionary church plants are only going to look like their communities in the beginning. In the end, they will become established churches that don’t necessarily undergo the same demographic changes as its surrounding neighborhood. That evolution isn’t even failure, let alone sin. It’s different provision for different circumstances.

Criticizing mission is easy because there’s literally always something more you can do. But complaining about the racial makeup of our membership is still just meaningless virtue-signaling. It comes from the Spirit of the Age, not the Holy Spirit. The Church catholic will make disciples of all tribes and nations. As one small part of her, the LCMS will make disciples of some tribes and nations. We should praise God for that instead of joining the world’s condemnation of it.

Posted in Gospel, The Modern Church, Theology, Tradition | 3 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving

I’m sorry for the lack of blog/Twitter activity these last couple of weeks. My wife, kids, and I finally got Covid earlier this month, and I’ve been too busy dealing with the fallout to spend much time online.  Not so much from the illness, which was pretty mild for all of us–basically a bad cold plus a loss of smell and/or taste for the adults and barely a mild cold for the children. No, most of the fallout had to do with the many and varying bureaucracies which all deal with isolation and quarantine in different ways. Some are sensible. Some are not. All of them were more burdensome than the disease was.

To be sure, Covid can be very serious for some individuals–the old, the infirm, the unhealthy, etc.  I know some of these people.  But it’s not as though we can’t make really good guesses as to which individuals need to take extra precautions beforehand. Trying to lock down everything and everyone rather than letting the majority get it and start building herd immunity has been truly foolish.

But Covid and the terrified crowds are only two of the hurdles we’ve faced in 2020.  There’s the election chaos and the constant threat of Cancel Culture looming over us.  There have been shortages of food, water, and other necessities. We’ve been through an absolutely devastating storm. We’ve suffered the unexpected death of a beloved family member.

And amidst all these major trials, there has been an unusually constant barrage of minor irritations–basically Murphy’s Law on steroids throughout the year. Have a fever and feel like staying in bed?  That’s the perfect time for your toilet tank to randomly crack right down the middle.

That’s why it’s all the more important to celebrate Thanksgiving in 2020.

We’ve suffered more this year than any year to date–this is true.  More than ever before, I’ve felt the weight of spiritual warfare and genuinely believed Satan has been out to get us. But also more than ever before, I’ve witnessed his utter failure. Our shortages were met with amazing generosity. Our devastation was met with an unwavering determination to rebuild. Our fallen loved one is now with his Savior in Paradise. My family has matured in ways I never expected. We are truly blessed.

Gratitude for those blessings is truly another blessing. Focusing on the suffering in life leads only to despair and the illusion that evil is stronger. But pausing to be grateful for the good shows us that reality is the precise opposite. The Evil One has been defeated in Christ, and by the power of God, all things–even the evil ones–cannot help but work together for the good of those who love Him. It is inevitable. And as momentarily daunting as it can be when you see the devil at work, it is eternally awe-inspiring to see the gracious hand of God in the middle of your life.

So take the time to be thankful this Thursday. No matter what your celebration may look like this year, make it a true celebration.  Spend it with as much of your family as you can, for they are your greatest blessing in this life.  If your old traditions have failed for a time, then make new ones with Christ at the center that you may all the more loudly praise God from whom all blessings flow.

May God richly bless you all in 2020 and in every year to come.

Posted in Family, Musings | 2 Comments

Only Investigation Will Restore America’s Trust in Voting

There may not yet be proof of widespread voter fraud, but there are mountains of evidence for it.  And that evidence demands an open investigation, not the thoughtless dismissal that the Left and it’s media and Silicon Valley allies would prefer.

From my latest at The Federalist:

If proof is a body of evidence that meets a certain standard, exactly which standard do we apply? This question has different answers in different contexts. In a court of law, the standard for proving a case is “preponderance of evidence” in civil cases and “beyond a reasonable doubt” in criminal cases. Scientific journals will have another standard while philosophers have still another. But exactly what standard of proof should American voters demand?

The left wants big media and big tech to be our de facto standard of proof. That’s certainly what The New York Times was proclaiming them to be on election day before they deleted their tweet.

The problem is that everyone already knows his own standards of proof operate on a sliding scale. Big media wasn’t terribly particular about their standards on Russian collusion, Brett Kavanaugh’s past, or even smirking teenagers. Neither was big tech very interested in regulating the spread of such dubious narratives.

Even now, the only thing about the election they want to investigate is whether they can blame Qanon for their faulty polls. Their business has become their politics, plain and simple. They’ve been carrying water for the left for far too long for any freethinker to consider them objective, fair, or even professional.

America doesn’t play that game anymore. The Boomers’ world in which nothing was true until you heard it on the six o’clock news is now nostalgia. Today, we get our news from a wide assortment of selected individuals and organizations that we’ve individually come to trust based on our own experience.

But since experience is so subjective, everyone’s selections vary significantly. Accordingly, there’s no real unity to be found there either. As a result, while new media has proven fantastic at accumulating and promulgating evidence, they’re ill-suited to offering broad proof because they do not have any kind of common standard.

The upshot is this: TwitterCNNGoogle, and the like can project and declare whatever winner they want, but they don’t get to choose the president. That’s never going to serve as proof to most Americans today. Big media and bit tech have been too exposed to get away with doing that anymore.

That is why this issue needs to go to the courts to be decided. They are some of the last remaining institutions to which all Americans can—in principle, at least—be held accountable.

Read the whole thing here.

Posted in Ethics, Politics | 3 Comments

Is Your Church Too White?

I’ve seen a number of individuals complain about the racial makeup of the LCMS over the past few months.  Some assert that at 98% Caucasian,  my denomination is simply too white to be an effective church body in America.  Others have gone further, flat out calling it racist. But if a congregation’s or a denomination’s racial demographics don’t match the demographics of the wider community in which it resides, is this really indicative of sin? Is it a failure of mission? Is it racism?

Unfortunately, this line of thinking is all-too-common in contemporary churches. Diversity is a big concern of the world at the moment. It will, therefore, inevitably become a big concern among worldly Christians.

To be sure, the Church catholic is for all nations, tribes, and languages. Nevertheless, no denomination or congregation is identical with the universal Church. It is not God’s Word, but rather the fashions of this age that say every particular institution must be racist if it doesn’t sufficiently resemble American diversity. If we mistakenly presume that our congregations bear such an obligation to be a random representative sample, there is a price to pay: By insisting on the random over the particular, we end up severing ourselves from both our church’s history and its posterity.

After all, if you pause to critically assess it, the expectation that either an LCMS congregation or the LCMS as a whole should be a statistically random  sample is patently absurd. LCMS congregations were not founded by random assortments of people. They were founded by people who both possessed and highly valued a specifically Lutheran heritage. Not only that, pretty much any LCMS congregation that’s 50 years old or more was founded by people with a specifically German heritage as well–just as the Synod as a whole was. It wasn’t that long ago that we were still doing services in German.

But while our sampling bias may begin at our origins, it does not end there. The new members our congregations have received over the years were no more random than their founders.

The most important group of people that a congregation receives into membership are its own children. These are the very people most Christians throughout history have personally evangelized. Far more of us have been called to be parents than, say, missionaries and church planters. And quite obviously, children are not demographically random. Sure, some spouses will be brought into the church from the community by marriage and end up diversifying our children somewhat. I, for example, may trace my ancestry back to 12th century Scotland, but I did receive both my Lutheran Heritage and some German ancestry from my mother’s side. Nevertheless, that dynamic does not cause a sudden and massive shift of the congregation’s demographics–especially if you’re only considering extremely broad racial strokes like black and white.

The next largest group brought into church membership are those evangelized or invited in the context of personal relationships. This includes the aforementioned spouses, but also friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Will this diversify the congregation to some extent? Absolutely. But our personal and professional relationships are only modestly more random than our children are. The human tendency–across cultures, ironically–is to have these kinds of relationships with people who are demographically similar to ourselves. Ever since Babel, we self-segregate to a large extent. Despite the man-made traditions of today’s woke Pharisees, most of our individual vocations don’t actually demand that we defy this human trait (though there are some exceptions). Once again, the potential for a demographic shift isn’t so profound that it utterly overwrites the old patterns with sheer randomness.

And that’s really where most new Christians come from in established American church bodies like the LCMS–through their relationships with believers in one way or another. Sure, a few people dropped by after attending your bake sale or hearing your radio ad, but not many. God bless those who plant local missionary churches and simply invite the neighborhood, but they are the blessed exception rather than the blessed norm. As a result, there is a demographic gravity to our congregations that is powerful but also benign.

So church bodies large and small end up in a peculiar position: We offer gifts which transcend any and every demographic category we could invent, but still tend to reside within a limited selection of those categories. Both of those poles are reflected in our culture.

To be sure, the most important service the local congregation provides–Word and Sacrament ministry–transcends culture. The Gospel is for every tribe and nation. The Sacraments are means of grace for everyone. Even the liturgy should transcend the styles of local culture to a profound extent. Many of its historical elements date back well over a thousand years and have been used across countless languages and cultures. So do many of our hymns. It’s pretty hard to take Savior of the Nations, Come (written 1600 years ago by St. Ambrose of Milan) and call it an old German song. Contemporary worship is really the only style we dabble in that’s truly culturally narrow.

At the same time, the organized community that carries out the Divine Service, supports the congregation’s education, provides the venue, facilitates fellowship, and so forth is absolutely going to reflect the congregation’s cultural norms. Outsiders will not always feel comfortable within those structures, and the more different their own heritage, the less comfortable they will feel. But is that really a bad thing in and of itself? There are many different ways these tasks could be carried out, but they’re always going to be carried out in some way. And any given way is going to make more sense to some cultures than to others.

So here, the particular prevents the random. And there’s nothing nefarious about that. By-and-large, the ways that we choose should make the most sense to the people who are actually carrying out those tasks on a day-to-day basis.  In other words, they need to make sense to the non-random current membership. This will be true no matter what demographic boxes they check.

That doesn’t mean things should never change–that the LCMS should always do things the way we’ve always done them. Even the simple passage of time should change these things to some extant. The same 10 boards you had in the 1940’s may not be the best way to cover the congregation’s needs today. Robert’s Rules of Order might not be the best way run your meetings. Your phone tree may be obsolete. Your current building might be either too small or a too-big financial anchor around your neck. You may even be failing to educate your children because you mistake your cultural norms for God’s Word.

So it’s good to change and adapt to the present challenges so long as we continue to treasure the riches of God’s Word that we have received. Congregations that fail to do both of these things will die–and many are doing precisely that. Even our simple failure to adapt to the sexual revolution in a fertile way has proven the death knell of many (we are in decline primarily because we didn’t reproduce.)  So there’s plenty of room for criticism when it comes to how we preach, how we disciple, and how we live. Nevertheless, we don’t judge ourselves against worldly concerns like diversity quotas.

And one does have to ask: If you’re so cut off from your church body (both your immediate ancestors in the faith and the immediate descendants that the congregation will be welcoming) that you’re actually offended that its heritage isn’t random… is it truly a heritage that you share? After all, to claim a heritage as your own is a matter of particularity rather than randomness. If you’re expecting a random sample, then you have cut ties with your past and are no longer talking about change, but replacement.

Whether inside or outside the Church, if you wish to institute Year Zero in this way, you should actually do the hard work of building something new rather than trying to consume the work of prior generations. And if you’re doing it at the behest of the Spirit of the Age rather than God’s Word, then whatever you create won’t be a church.

Posted in Culture, The Modern Church, Tradition | 12 Comments