Category Archives: Law

Capitalism and Consent

When I write about sexual morality, I frequently have to point out the problem with dehumanized consent. Those who hate chastity but also don’t want to be raped attempt to hang all of sexual morality on consent, but it is … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Ethics, Law, Politics | 8 Comments

Sins of Inequality? No! Inequality of Sins.

One of the most insidious things about idolatry is the syncretism. Those who know the Lord but still try and keep a side-piece will always integrate their idol into their religion. This is no less true when it comes to … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Law, Natural Law, Theology | 5 Comments

The Anti-Government

When Paul tells us be subject to the civil authorities in Romans 13, he also tells us what such government does. God has instituted it and given it the sword to punish evildoers and to be a violent terror to … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Ethics, Law | 3 Comments

Revisiting Sodom

One of the amazing things about Holy Scripture is that no matter how many times you might read a particular book or passage, there’s always more that slipped by you the first time. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Christian Nationalism, Culture, Law, Musings, Paganism, The Modern Church, Theological Liberalism | 2 Comments

Not A Private Sin

The most liberal I’ve ever been on the issue of homosexuality was supporting civil unions back in my libertarian phase–an obnoxious part of growing up that many young men have to struggle through. I still knew sodomy was sinful, but … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Family, Law | 8 Comments

Fighting the Modesty Wars: To Men

If you’re still on twitter, you’ve probably seen either that tweet from Brian Sauve or the latest “discussion” about modesty it ignited. Naturally this modesty kerfuffle looks like every other recent one: Men point out that women should dress modestly … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Feminism, Law | Leave a comment

Is Slavery Sinful?

Is slavery sinful? That’s not really a debate most Western Christians engage in anymore, as there’s just about as much consensus on the point as its possible to have. But then, consensus isn’t unanimity, and I have seen the question … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Law, Politics | 13 Comments

A Call to Repentance from Australia

The entire Covid situation has presented everyone with a lot of hard questions.  But Christians should often be asking more and different questions than the world asks. I received a great document written by Rev. Dr.  Michael Lockwood of the Lutheran … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Law, Lutheranism, Theology | Leave a comment

A Lutheran Case for Religious Exemption

Religious exemptions aren’t the long-term solution to the tyrannical vaccine mandates, but for some families, they may be what keeps a roof overhead and food on the table in the short-term. I’ve been frustrated that the LCMS has thus far … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Law, Lutheranism, Politics, Theology, Tradition | 22 Comments

By Whose Authority? Mask Mandates in the Church

Now that Covid is resurging and our cultural fixtures continue to promote fear above all else, Christian congregations are naturally considering whether to re-impose masks and even vaccine requirements at their services. Last year, most churches blindly stumbled their way … Continue reading

Posted in Gospel, Law, Lutheranism, Theology, Tradition | 6 Comments