Category Archives: Natural Law

Discussing “On Being Human” by C.S. Lewis

I foolishly forgot to post this earlier this week, but Zaklog the Great was kind enough to invite me on his channel last weekend to discuss the C.S. Lewis’ poem, On Being Human.  We had a great talk about things like … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Musings, Natural Law | Leave a comment

Sex Without Sex – Dissecting a Piece of Trans Propaganda.

As I’ve explained at length, I do have a great deal of sympathy for trans folks. Their feelings of alienation from their gender are real, even if their proposed solution is faulty. And as absurd as we might find that solution, … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Family, Feminism, Natural Law | 2 Comments

What Does “Sexualizing” Children Really Mean?

Last year, when I wrote about Netflix’s pedophilia movie, Cuties, one of the things I and many others objected to was the way it “sexualized” children. Now, the film certainly had its droves of defenders. And while most of the … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Christian Youth, Culture, Family, Natural Law | 4 Comments

Joseph, Did You Know?

Well, Joseph didn’t know–at least, not until an angel told him. And his first reaction to the situation tells us something different than what I’ve been hearing from a lot of people using him as an example lately. Most of … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Family, Law, Natural Law | 8 Comments

Rabid Minds

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Natural Law | Leave a comment

Can Government Be Religiously Neutral?

I take on that question in a new piece at The Federalist today: The First Amendment forbids the establishment of a state church in the United States, but it in no way imposes the incoherent burden of religious neutrality on our civic … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Nationalism, Culture, Natural Law, Politics, Tradition | 5 Comments

Desperately Seeking Feminism in the Bible

Sometimes, if you let a room get messy enough, it’s hard to know where to even begin cleaning it up. When the enormity of the disarray is such that you can see no clear path from start to finish, the … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gospel, Heresy, Natural Law, Paganism, The Modern Church, Theology | 2 Comments

St. Augustine on Calling Evil Good and Good Evil

Woe to those that call evil good, and good evil! The Lord’s warning given through Isaiah is surely apropos for our own time, given the cultural and spiritual forces which confront Christians in the West. I was recently reminded of … Continue reading

Posted in Chastity, Culture, Ethics, Natural Law, Theology | Leave a comment

Conclusion of Between Babel & Pentecost: A Christian Analysis of Multiculturalism

The conclusion of “Between Babel & Pentecost” in which we consider some of the lessons learned from our analysis of multiculturalism:

Posted in Culture, Ethics, Law, Lutheran in a Strange Land, Natural Law, Politics | Leave a comment

Rhetoric & Indoctrination – Issues Etc. Interview

Issues Etc was good enough to have me on the show again this past Friday.  You can check out the interview here.

Posted in Abortion, Chastity, Culture, Natural Law, Politics | Leave a comment