Having learned in Part 2 how recently the concept of gender was invented, it’s no surprise that it’s entirely alien to Scripture. But from start to finish, the Bible both affirms the deep meaning of male and female biology and deliberately establishes what we would call gender roles. However much our culture demands and coerces, Christians cannot adopt the philosophy behind transgenderism while still remaining faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Previous Entries in the Series:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/6BUhdqYg-nk
Part 2: https://youtu.be/sU69EpFR830
Do We Really Need More Women Leaders in the Church: https://matthewcochran.net/blog/?p=1145
You can find more of my material at…
The 96th Thesis: https://matthewcochran.net/blog/
The Federalist: http://thefederalist.com/author/matthewcochran/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Though-Were-Actually-True-Apologetics-ebook/dp/B01G4KWQJW/