When faithful Christians look at the Church today, we may feel as though we are beset by errors like never before. And yet, we are beset by errors almost exactly like before. Our adversary the devil may be prowling around like a lion seeking someone to devour, but for all that, he’s terribly uncreative.
Most of the biggest lies and deceptions facing the church today are only minor variations on false teachings that plagued the church hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Our ancestors in the faith overcame, but it’s never too long before Satan drags the same old and decayed errors out of the grave to feast on the brains of the faithful once again.
Join us for a new series in which we take on these Zombie Heresies and relearn how to defend ourselves against them.
Listen to/download the audio below above, or watch on YouTube:
I’ve had a number of requests for downloadable audio versions of the material on the new YouTube channel, and I am happy to oblige. You can subscribe to the audio podcast here: https://matthewcochran.net/blog/?feed=mp3. It’s exactly the same thing as the YouTube videos minus having to watch me talk to my screen.
I’ve just released all of the existing 12 episodes in one large batch. If you scroll down, you can find embedded audio players for each of them. I’ll be releasing the audio and video simultaneously for all new episodes from here on out.