I’m kicking off a new series of videos at Lutheran in a Strange Land, exploring the political philosophies of multiculturalism and globalism through the lenses of the Tower of Babel, Pentecost, and Luther’s theology of the Two Kingdoms.
There’s no question that the Church is global. After all, Christ instructed us to go and make disciples of all nations. The Church is just as obviously multicultural, for we can see a great multitude from all tribes, peoples, and languages standing before the throne and before the Lamb in Revelation.
But does this mean that a Christian nation should embrace globalism and multiculturalism? Or does the nation instead have a different set of God-given responsibilities than the Church?
This is Part 1 of Between Babel & Pentecost: A Christian Analysis of Multiculturalism. I’m going to be trying a slower release schedule with this series, so expect a new installment each week.